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2016 Micro-films 

First Prize. 微電影組第一名.

Mohammad Ayub Angga Direja




得獎感言: 這部影片是描述一個印尼女子,為了要完成她的學業,做了一個很困難的決定,離開了她的最愛,也因為他的最愛讓他有力氣勇敢追夢。這是我和我的朋友 Mufid Salim 和 Fahnurrieski 一起製作的,我們做這部片主要是呈現來自印尼的遊子常見的思鄉情愁, 從印尼來台灣需要很多的犧牲與努力。GWO 舉辦這個很正面的活動,讓印尼移工能夠透過她們的作品描述他們的故事。


Pilihan (The Decision)

An Indonesian mother separated from her beloved children and husband to pursue her own dreams. It is their love that supports her to make her dreams come true in Taiwan.

Acceptance speech: We made this film to represent the common nostalgia shared by those living and traveling abroad. You need to make a lot of sacrifice and effort to leave Indonesia for Taiwan.

This event organized by GWO has provided an opportunity to migrant workers to tell their stories through works.

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